Can You Get an STD From Oral Sex?

Can You Get an STD From Oral Sex?

Sexually transmitted infections are a common part of engaging in any kind of sexual activity. Many of us learn we can reduce our risk and protect ourselves by using condoms during vaginal and anal ...
Lorals is now Certified By the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council!
Inside Lorals

Lorals is now Certified By the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council!

We are so proud to announce that Lorals is officially certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise! WBENC Certification is the gold standard for women-owned business certification in...
How to Use HSA, FSA, and HRA Funds for Lorals for STI Protection
Inside Lorals

How to Use HSA, FSA, and HRA Funds for Lorals for STI Protection

Did you know that our revolutionary Lorals for Protection – which protect against STIs and bacteria transfer during oral sex – are qualified medical expenses?  This means that if you have a flexibl...
The Ins and Outs of Fluid Bonding: A Guide to Safe and Satisfying Intimacy


决定与谁分享体液可能会变得有点复杂。 这不是一个放之四海而皆准的交易,每个人都有自己的看法。 我们谈论的是好鸟和蜜蜂,但有一个转折点——有一些风险需要考虑,比如性传播感染(STI)和生育潜力。 性学家和包容性教育家 Lilithfoxx 说,流体结合的概念可能看起来很简单,但它对不同的人可能意味着不同的事情。 “流体结合通常是关系中信任、亲密和更深层次情感联系的标志,”Lilithfox...
Lorals Recognized by Fast Company as a World Changing Idea
Inside Lorals

Lorals 被 Fast Company 评为“改变世界的创意奖”决赛入围者

Lorals已被宣布为Fast Company的2023世界改变创意奖的决赛入围者,在消费产品类...
Lingerie Kinks and Fetishes: A Quick Primer


The Truth About Squirting


关于喷射有很多困惑,它是什么,什么不是:是射精吗? 是小便吗? 是水吗? 在这篇文章中,我们澄清了喷射和女性射精之间的区别......
Where Pleasure Begins: The Anatomy of the Clitoris


是外阴的快感中心。 虽然它在生殖中没有作用,但它是性刺激和达到性高潮的主要参与者。 您可能熟悉()的尖端或“小块”,这是这个叉骨形器官的唯一可见部分。 你甚至可以称它为“阴蒂”......但实际上,这仅仅是个开始! 的其余部分在内侧,在外阴表面以下;它实际上可以长达五英寸长。 在胎儿发育早期,阴茎和阴蒂在结构上相似,两者之间的差异仅在妊娠第8-9周之间开始形成。 外阴解剖学 ...
What is Herpes? HSV-1 and HSV-2

什么是疱疹? HSV-1 和 HSV-2

如果你曾经有过唇疱疹,你可能得了疱疹——这没关系! 疱疹非常常见(你可能有它,甚至不知道它! 没什么好羞愧的......