Lorals model Ahyoka demonstrates the front view of STI Protection Shortie Panties in Sheer
Lorals model Ahyoka demonstrates the profile view and transparent material of STI Protection Undies in Sheer Peach Shortie Style
Box and four single-use pouches of Lorals for Protection STI Prevention Undies in Sheer
A woman holding Lorals panties and showing the thin lightweight natural rubber latex
A woman stretching a pair of Lorals latex undies


Preço promocional¥185.16
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars

探索和激发,同时保持安全 Lorals Protection Shorties in Sheer. 这种高遮盖力的透视款式就像您最喜欢的内衣一样合身,同时在舔阴和边缘期间阻止体液、有害病原体和性传播感染/性病的传播。 超薄,丝滑,和FDA批准,这些一次性使用的乳胶内衣提供可穿戴的保护和转移每一个感觉。 目前,我们只能在美国境内运送我们的防护产品。

数量:4 件装

探索和激发,同时保持安全 Lorals Protection Shorties in Sheer. 这种高遮盖力的透视款式就像您最喜欢的内衣一样合身,同时在舔阴和边缘期间阻止体液、有害病原体和性传播感染/性病的传播。 超薄,丝滑,和FDA批准,这些一次性使用的乳胶内衣提供可穿戴的保护和转移每一个感觉。 目前,我们只能在美国境内运送我们的防护产品。




每个人都值得安全无忧的口交。 Lorals帮助您以高潮的兴奋和喜悦拥抱每一刻的快乐。

Many sexuallty transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases can be transferred during oral sex. Stay protected with Lorals for Protection


Lorals 是 FDA 批准的用于保护性传播感染的医疗器械。

Lorals for Protection are a hands free dental dam alternative


不需要保持在原地! 用你的手去其他诱人的身体部位。

Oral-anal feels great but can be worrisome



Woman pulls Lorals STI Protection out of her back pocket



No need to worry about a dental dam moving around your body. Lorals for Protection stay in place.



Lorals are wearable dental dams that provide full sensation during oral




作为过去25年的妇产科医生,我与我的病人进行了成千上万次关于性传播感染的对话。 FDA在亲密关系期间对Lorals进行性传播感染保护和预防的许可绝对是安全的性游戏和快乐的游戏规则改变者。

Alyssa Dweck,MS,MD,FACOG,纽约妇科医生


Box and four single-use pouches of Lorals for Protection STI Prevention Undies in Sheer


Lorals for Protection 在进行-阴道和口-时可用作屏障,以帮助减少体液、有害病原体和性传播感染的传播。

A couple wears Lorals for Protection


Lorals在外面是柔滑的,在里面有一个光滑的质地,可以紧紧抓住皮肤,所以你不需要把它们固定在适当的位置。 角撑板的额外覆盖范围可确保它们在剧烈活动中保持原地不动。


为了获得充分的感觉和最大的访问,我们建议做 Lorals 的“褶皱”。 将 Lorals 依偎在阴唇和臀部脸颊之间。 (相信我们,这是你会喜欢的。


因为 Lorals 是同类产品中的首创,所以我们收到了很多问题。 以下是一些最常被问到的问题的答案。

我们的 Protection 系列产品已获得 FDA 批准,可用于 STI 保护,所有 Protection 批次都经过测试,以确保它们符合 FDA 在和期间的 STI 保护标准。 我们的 Pleasure 产品线仍然经过极其勤奋的测试,但未达到 FDA 对我们的保护产品线要求的相同标准。 因此,我们的 Pleasure 产品线不应用于 STI 保护。

是的! 在进行/阴道和/时,Lorals for Protection 被用作屏障,以帮助减少体液、有害病原体和性传播感染的传播。

用于保护的Lorals由天然橡胶乳胶制成,在进行口交/阴道性交和口交/肛交时用作屏障,以帮助减少体液,有害病原体和性传播感染的传播。 Lorals的保护在你的伴侣的嘴和鼻子和你的外阴和肛门之间创建一个层,和不透明的乳胶材料提供额外的刺激阴蒂和阴唇没有皮肤接触。 他们的设计与时尚和医疗设备专家,以确保他们适合像你最喜欢的内衣,同时提供一个牙科坝STI保护。 超有弹性的丝质内裤贴合您的身体曲线,让您伴侣的嘴巴和舌头充分活动。 用于保护的Lorals在口交期间保持在原位,旨在覆盖您的外阴和肛门的整个时间。

像香草一样! 香味来自食品级水基香草味,也用于烘焙。 由于我们的专利制造工艺,Lorals 不像其他乳胶产品那样有橡胶气味或味道。

Lorals for Protection 是一次性使用的,不应重复使用。 就像避孕套一样,它们只能使用一次,然后丢弃。

是的! 保护Lorals的创建是为了用性感,可穿戴的保护代替牙科大坝,使安全性行为变得容易,感性和愉悦。

不,Lorals 不打算用作避孕药,也不应用于预防怀孕。

由于 Lorals 由乳胶而不是织物制成,因此它们的合身性可能与您的普通内裤不同。 在身材较大的人身上,两种款式都可能露出更多的脸颊,腰带可能伸展得更像细绳比基尼或坦噶风格的内裤。 查看我们的常见问题页面(如何穿上 Lorals),了解我们关于获得合适版型的所有重要提示。

是的! 用于保护的Lorals旨在防止口交期间的性传播感染和细菌转移,被认为是合格的医疗费用。 这意味着您可以使用您的灵活支出帐户 (FSA),健康储蓄帐户 (HSA) 或某些健康报销安排 (HRA) 来购买它们。

请注意,Lorals for Pleasure目前不符合FSA/HSA资格。

要使用您的FSA或HSA购买,只需将您喜欢的Lorals保护样式添加到您的购物车。 虽然您可以添加其他项目,但根据IIAS标准特殊利益小组 (SIGIS) 合格产品列表 (2023年10月),只有Lorals for Protection项目有资格获得报销。

购买后,您可以通过电子邮件向我们索取您的订单号收据。 此收据可以提交给您的计划管理员进行报销。 如果您希望直接使用FSA/HSA借记卡,请通过以下方式联系我们hello@mylorals.com寻求帮助。

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
Based on 243 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 191 Total 4 star reviews: 31 Total 3 star reviews: 11 Total 2 star reviews: 3 Total 1 star reviews: 7
243 reviews
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    It was great

    I wanted to try these out with my partner. We loved them!

    Alex B.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Safe sex is the best sex

    I did not know what to expect. I’m a plus size girl with big thighs and booty. They go in super easy. The material is super thin. I followed the tips on how to wear them. I felt all the sensation. My partner really enjoyed using it on me. This is much better than a dental dam.

    Peggy M.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Safety and spontaneity

    In my testing, the recipients have felt no reduction of sensitivity in motion yet are unburdened by having to hold something in place or worry any biological consequences. This truly helps the spontaneous and remove inhibitions.

    Great product!

    I do recommend the boy shorts over the bikinis if you are on the plump side. As the giver I found there is more give in the crotch of the boy shorts and you can really suck on the clit better.

    Careful Kitty K.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer (4-Pack)
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer (4-Pack)
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    safe has never been so sexy!!!

    thank the gods these exist omg! eating a$$ is forever changed, I was previously so wary of getting pink eye, spreading germs, etc bc babes gush ya know? and these are perf for preventing STI spread, I am HSV and high-risk HPV positive so I actually wasn’t having much sex lately until a nurse recommended Lorals to me. These allow me to have comfortable, hot sex and be a hoe again!!!! Thanks ahahaha <3

    seah f.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Just fantastic

    My partner and I were going at it and at one point they asked if they had broken or something, but they hadn't. I asked why and they said because it feels like it. As a previous recipient, I can definitely attest to that. As a giver, just keep in mind it's gonna taste like latex after.

    Luisa F.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Bikinis in Black
    Protection Bikinis in Black
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Shorties give the security I’m looking for

    They provide lots of coverage and still feel cute and sexy. Highly recommend if you’re looking to protect yourself and your partner during intimacy!

    A M.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    game changer for oral sex

    Lorals help me feel comfortable and confident receiving oral sex and rimming. I don't have to feel worried about STIs and I can focus on pleasure. They also help reduce overstimulating textures like a partner's facial hair against my sensitive bits. The latex material is extremely thin and I can feel temperature and sensation very well through it. It keeps lube on the inside so things stay comfortably slippery. This product works well for me as a trans person with some bottom growth from testosterone. I have also enjoyed giving oral sex and rimming to others who were wearing Lorals and could feel and see their body well through the thin sheer material. I have given oral sex or rimming to partners wearing Lorals who are non-op trans women, trans men with bottom growth from testosterone, and agender and nonbinary people with vulvas and the Lorals have worked with on different body types and genitals. I don't love the vanilla scent because I'm sensitive to fragrances but it does dissipate a bit over time and it means the product doesn't smell or taste like latex.

    Owen B.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    So grateful for these

    These are freaking amazing. For someone who doesn’t want to risk any stds before marriage, this has been a lifesaver! I feel so safe and secure knowing these are fda approved for std prevention. We all know there are stds that are not prevented by condoms (hsv and hpv) and these have allowed me to still enjoy some sexual activity without the worry and paranoia of getting one of these STDs. Now if the creator could create one with a built in condom, I would be completely satisfied!!! Please make them! But until then, I will be enjoying oral sex only with these undies. Obviously they aren’t as good as not wearing any at all, but it’s close enough where I can still orgasm. These have changed my life. I will continue to buy these until and if I am ever married. I would be ECSTATIC if they made these with built in condoms.

    Melissa W.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Pretty great

    My partner is getting used to them but it makes me so happy to be able to live my life and enjoy sex again knowing my partner is protected

    Verified Buyer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
    Protection Shorties in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Add lube

    The dry rubbery feeling is a little weird to get used to, but it's much better than all the alternatives!

    Verified Buyer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
    Protection Bikinis in Sheer
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Me and my boyfriend use them all the time and they feel amazing. Such an amazing product I love them

    Krista N.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Shorties in Black
    Protection Shorties in Black
  • Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    I love these

    Amilia G.
    Verified Buyer
    Protection Shorties in Black
    Protection Shorties in Black
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